Maryland MESA


Maryland MESA strives to provide students in grades 3–12 with the opportunity to explore STEM through a fun, hands-on program. This STEM initiative:

  • prepares students to enroll in and graduate from a two- or four-year college or university with a degree in a STEM field;
  • helps students develop leadership skills, improve their academic performance, work as a team, and compete effectively.

Maryland MESA uses a project-based approach to teach participating students fundamentals of engineering and computer science. Student teams work on projects (called challenges) which are designed by APL and the National MESA organization to help students develop computer programming and engineering skills.

Throughout the academic year, students conduct research, iterate designs, and prepare to participate in competitions that demonstrate what they have learned through participation in the MESA program.

Winning teams from each Regional MESA Day are invited to compete at the Statewide MESA Day, an annual showcase and awards ceremony held in each MESA state, which provides students with the opportunity to design and build projects, win medals, learn by doing, and interact with each other as well as STEM professionals.

MESA Day is also a qualifying competition for the MESA USA National Engineering Design Competition held in June. The top middle and high school NEDC teams from each participating state’s MESA Day will continue competing against their fellow MESA students to obtain the coveted title of MESA USA Champion.

Click on the appropriate grade level below to see descriptions of the current MESA challenges.

Elementary School Challenges

Middle School Challenges

High School Challenges