BioDr. Drew Turner is a heliophysicist and astrophysicist supporting several NASA programs. He has served on the science working teams of NASA’s THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS), Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), and Europa Clipper missions. He is a science co-investigator on MMS, the deputy project scientist for IMAP, and the PIMS (Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding) investigation scientist for Europa Clipper. At APL, Dr. Turner is the science and technical lead on the Suprathermal Ion Sensors (STIS) in development for NOAA’s L1-Next mission series (2025–2033) and principal investigator (PI) of the Suprathermal Particle and Relativistic Electron Magnetic Spectrometer (SuPREMeS) instrument in development for NASA’s Heliophysics Division.
Dr. Turner is also PI of several research grants for NASA and the National Science Foundation and is a subject-matter expert concerning space weather for NOAA, NASA, and other federal departments and agencies. He continues to work on instrument development, particularly for thermal plasma and energetic particles (suprathermal ions to cosmic rays, relativistic electrons) in collisionless space plasma environments. Dr. Turner served as co-chair of the NASA space weather observational gap analysis panel, science lead on the first-ever national space weather tabletop exercise, and a panelist on the Space Weather Panel of the 2024–2033 Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics). He is first author of over 35 and coauthor of over 190 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers. His areas of expertise include energetic particles and particle acceleration in space plasmas, collisionless shocks, comparative magnetospheric systems, radiation belt systems, space weather science and applications, spaceflight instrumentation (scientific), and space mission analysis and design.
Notable Awards and Leadership
Notable Awards and LeadershipYear(s) | Description |
Year(s) 2018 | Description James B. Macelwane Medal, American Geophysical Union (AGU) |
Year(s) 2016 | Description Yakov B. Zeldovich Medal, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) |
Year(s) 2011 – Present | Description Member, European Geosciences Union |
Year(s) 2008 – Present | Description Fellow, AGU |