BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 16.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Eastern Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16011104T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=11 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:16010311T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYMONTH=3 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20241220T123044Z DESCRIPTION:THIS COLLOQUIUM WILL BE IN PARSONS AUDITORIUM\n \nJHU/APL Collo quium - \n \nTOPIC: From Coercion to Capitulation: How China can Take Taiwan Without a War \n \nSPEAKER: Daniel Blumenthal\, Senior Fellow\, American Enterpr ise Institute\n \nKey Points to be discussed in this presentation:\n \n* A plausible pathway exists for the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to em ploy coercion on a mass scale to force the Republic of China government to accept Beijing’s demands without sparking a large regional war and with out endangering the PRC’s global grand-strategic objectives.\n* Too litt le attention is dedicated to the PRC’s coercion capabilities\, while the PRC’s military capability to invade Taiwan remains the core focus of st rategies to defend Taiwanese autonomy. \n* A short-of-war coercion campaig n can generate conditions to provide the PRC with several avenues that cou ld translate PRC coercive activities into political outcomes that enable t he PRC to gain political control over Taiwan. \n* The US\, Taiwan\, and a global coalition of states are entirely capable of developing adequate co untermeasures to deter and defeat a PRC coercion campaign targeting Taiwan through immediate action and close coordination.\n \nDan Blumenthal is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute\, where he focuses on E ast Asian security issues and Sino-American relations. Mr. Blumenthal has served in and advised the US government on China issues for more than a de cade.\n \nBefore joining AEI\, Mr. Blumenthal served as senior director fo r China\, Taiwan\, and Mongolia at the US Department of Defense. He served as a commissioner on the congressionally mandated US-China Economic and S ecurity Review Commission from 2006 to 2012\, and he was vice chairman of the commission in 2007. He also served on the Academic Advisory Board of t he congressional US-China Working Group.\n \nMr. Blumenthal is the author of “The China Nightmare: The Grand Ambitions of a Decaying State” (AEI Press\, November 2020) and coauthor of “An Awkward Embrace: The United States and China in the 21st Century” (AEI Press\, November 2012).\n \nH e has testified before Congress and has been published in The Atlantic\, C ommentary\, Foreign Policy\, The Hill\, Los Angeles Times\, The National I nterest\, National Review\, The New York Post\, The New York Times\, Newsw eek\, RealClearWorld\, and The Wall Street Journal\, among other outlets. His broadcast appearances include C-SPAN\, Yahoo News\, Bloomberg Radio\, and many top-rated talk radio programs.\n \nMr. Blumenthal has a JD from D uke Law School\, an MA from the School of Advanced International Studies a t ֱ University\, and a BA from Washington University in St. Lo uis. He also attended Capital Normal University in Beijing\, China\, where he focused on Chinese language studies.\n \n DTEND;TZID="Eastern Standard Time":20250110T150000 DTSTAMP:20241220T123044Z DTSTART;TZID="Eastern Standard Time":20250110T140000 LAST-MODIFIED:20241220T123044Z LOCATION:Parsons Auditorium PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Colloquium - Daniel Blumenthal - From Coercion to Ca pitulation: How China can Take Taiwan Without a War TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000E09B961EDA0DDB01000000000000000 0100000001A216F59BBA8DC48ACF5AAE5AF86719B X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



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JHU/APL Colloquium -


TOPIC: From Coercion to Capitulation: How China can Take Taiwan Wit hout a War


SPEAKER: Daniel Blumenthal\, Seni or Fellow\, American Enterprise Institute


Key Points to be discussed in this presentation:


  • A plausible pathway exists for the People’\;s Republic of China (PRC) to employ coercion on a mass scale to force the Republic of China government to accept Beiji ng’\;s demands without sparking a large regional war and without enda ngering the PRC’\;s global grand-strategic objectives.
  • Too little atten tion is dedicated to the PRC’\;s coercion capabilities\, while the PR C’\;s military capability to invade Taiwan remains the core focus of strategies to defend Taiwanese autonomy. \;
  • A short-of-war coercion camp aign can generate conditions to provide the PRC with several avenues that could translate PRC coercive activities into political outcomes that enabl e the PRC to gain political control over Taiwan.  \;
  • The US\, Taiwan\, a nd a global coalition of states are entirely capable of developing adequat e countermeasures to deter and defeat a PRC coercion campaign targeting Ta iwan through immediate action and close coordination.


Dan Blumenthal is a senior fel low at the American Enterprise Institute\, where he focuses on East Asian security issues and Sino-American relations. Mr. Blumenthal has served in and advised the US government on China issues for more than a decade.


Before joining AEI\, Mr. Blumenthal served as senior director for China\, Taiwan\, and Mongolia at the US Department of Defense. He served as a commissioner on the congress ionally mandated US-China Economic and Security Review Commission from 200 6 to 2012\, and he was vice chairman of the commission in 2007. He also se rved on the Academic Advisory Board of the congressional US-China Working Group.


Mr. Blumentha l is the author of “\;The China Nightmare: The Grand Ambitions of a D ecaying State”\; (AEI Press\, November 2020) and coauthor of “\; An Awkward Embrace: The United States and China in the 21st Century”\ ; (AEI Press\, November 2012).


He has testified before Congress and has been published in The Atlantic\, Commentary\, Foreign Policy\, The Hill\, Los Angeles Times\, Th e National Interest\, National Review\, The New York Post\, The New York T imes\, Newsweek\, RealClearWorld\, and The Wall Street Journal\, among other outlets. His broadcast appearances include C- SPAN\, Yahoo News\, Bloomberg Radio\, and many top-rated talk radio progra ms.


Mr. Blumenthal h as a JD from Duke Law School\, an MA from the School of Advanced Internati onal Studies at ֱ University\, and a BA from Washington Univer sity in St. Louis. He also attended Capital Normal University in Beijing\, China\, where he focused on Chinese language studies.
