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Academic Departments

The bedrock of the university are our three faculties: Agribusiness and Commerce; Agriculture and Life Sciences; and Environment, Society and Design.

Academic teaching and research are delivered from these faculties, supplemented by the University Studies and English Language Division, which offers a supported pathway into the faculties for selected students. 

Knowledge put into practice

With our academic teaching programmes, you will gain the skills and practical knowledge to help improve productivity in the land-based industries, including agriculture, science, landscape architecture, tourism, finance and property. Theories are tested in the field, giving you a unique advantage.

Our focus on
, coupled with practical experience, will put you well ahead on the road to meeting your career goals. 

Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce

If your future lies in business, you should know about the Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce, which sits at an epicentre of business education and research. Its influence reaches out across the globe.

Good connections and informed decisions are prerequisites to good business and the faculty excels in both areas, with strong connections to industry and 
unique research programmes.

Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences

The Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences provides the science that underpins Aotearoa New Zealand¡¯s land-based industries. Programmes focus on sustainable food production and the management of our natural and agricultural landscapes, and the species within them.

This will allow those industries to continue to produce the high-value products required to underpin our economy in a changing world while enhancing our environment for future generations. Special characteristics of the faculty include a huge commitment to research, and to learning through practical experience using our laboratories, farms and vineyards.

This close relationship with the land, and the people who work on it, ensures the faculty is kept abreast of science, industry and innovation trends. And what we learn, we feed to you, incorporating these insights into our programmes. The faculty's research-led teaching benefits everyone. As a student, you are at the forefront of science and innovation, which in turn offers huge value to society when you take your place in the workforce.

Faculty of Environment, Society and Design

The Faculty of Environment, Society and Design focuses is on how humanity takes care of land, water and people

Explore the relationship between people and place and learn how planning, management, design, technology and human communities might best provide for our needs while protecting the natural world on which we depend. 

We have strong connections with the people who have a stake in the land ¨C government bodies and institutions that bring informed voices into the university to assist with teaching. 

Te Tuawhiti | Pathways and Quality

Te Tuawhiti | Pathways and Quality consists of Te Huka Kouka | Academic Quality and Academic Preparation and Pathways (AP&P), which was formerly known as the University Studies and English Language Division.

Te Huka Kouka is responsible for academic quality, policy, administration and governance at ÃØÃÜÖ±²¥ University, while AP&P delivers pathway programmes of study, both English-language and academic preparation, along with short-course programmes for international partners including study abroad.

If you have not yet met the necessary academic or English Language admission requirements, are studying abroad or want to develop your academic communication skills, AP&P¡¯s team of experienced teachers will guide you through pathway programmes which lead to ÃØÃÜÖ±²¥ University degrees and diplomas.

Together, the teams in Te Tuawhiti provide strong foundations in teaching and learning, ÃØÃÜÖ±²¥success and academic programme design.